I often get asked about new lab tests. Some of the most exciting new tests involve PGx testing. PGx tests are the absolute future of lab tests with their ability to test for medical issues that have not yet manifested in the patient based on genetics or early detection.

Beyond PGx tests, I am excited to tell you about the very latest in lab testing for the functional and integrative practitioner. Allergy tests using blood serum or skin tests, immunotherapy solutions for allergies, such as SCIT or SLIT, and cognitive care programs.

Allergy Serum Testing – This is a comprehensive environmental and food allergy laboratory test. Allergy issues, whether from seasonal plants or food can rob your patients’ quality of life. Our partner utilizes serum to test for 44 environmental and 88 food-based allergies with just 2 tubes of blood! Convenient and quick, tests are covered by most commercial PPO insurance providers and even Medicare. This allows you to keep patients in your practice while generating additional revenue, especially when combined with immunotherapy treatments.

Immunotherapy Options – Once lab tests have determined that your patient has an allergy, what’s next? Many practitioners don’t know that there are options for seasonal allergies beyond inhalers and medications. Have you heard about immunotherapy? Allergen immunotherapy is to slowly expose the patient to small doses of the allergen and increase the amount over time. Eventually, symptoms no longer appear after exposure.

Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) – SLIT is an affordable and compliant treatment program that utilizes sublingual immunotherapy. It is a cash-pay program that is an effective treatment option for patients and will add real revenue to your allergy program’s bottom line.

Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (SCIT) – A subcutaneous immunotherapy which is insurance-based, is also available. SCIT is an alternative option that can generate revenue even though patient compliance is only about 60% due to the necessity of weekly office visits for injections.

Specialized Integrative Panels – Customized panels specific to your medical specialty are key to the integrative and functional practice. These blood tests measure hormone levels, metabolism and weight loss issues, heavy metals, adrenal fatigue and more!

Medicare/Cognitive Care Plan – With life expectancy lengthened, memory and cognitive difficulties can seriously impact your patients over 65. Early prevention is important to extend cognitive function throughout the senior years. A cognitive care lab test provides a good baseline and preventive treatment plan to address any decline in cognitive abilities. Medicare, in conjunction with the Alzheimer’s Association, developed the program and created the CPT codes to order the test and for the reimbursements upon review of the care plan with your patients.

Find out more about lab partners and tests that are recommended for your integrative and functional practice. At EC3Health we want to help you find the right lab tests and programs for your patients. We believe our lab partners offer the best lab services and practitioners can contact us today at 877-536-4635 Ext. 701 to find out more or email us at info@ec3health.com to find out about special offers from our partner labs!

*EC3Health is not responsible for Medicare treatment information or initiatives. Please visit medicare.gov for more info on Medicare eligibility.

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